We are extremely protective and over the top

when we adopt a dog out

that isn’t going to stay at Chihuahua Nation.

We begin with a home check, a signed contract,

a background check and an interview.

We add approved homes

to the waiting list, and when

the right pup comes along,

we begin the adoption.

Welcome to the

Quirky Pack

of Chihuahua Nation!

Meet the Team

  • Robyn Koustik


    Astoria Sanctuary

    29 animals in a sanctuary over 22 yrs.

    Nugget inspired us to do more. Every dog that came into our sanctuary Nugget loved it. He is our guiding light and our inspiration.

    We are so grateful to him and the years of unconditional love he gave this pack!

    I’m proud of Chihuahua Nation Sanctuary. I definitely cherish our sanctuary and these pups. It’s worth the crazy hours of work, sanctuary care and sometimes, long nights.

    I feel so blessed and grateful we get the opportunity to do this and to have so much unconditional love!

  • Robb Koustik


    Astoria Sanctuary

    Nugget was the first pup and the pup that started Chihuahua Nation Sanctuary. He was found on the side of a freeway, so thin we could see every rib, hip bone and his face was hollow.

    Robyn made me pull over and this scared pup went to her.

    We went to the vet and there was no chip. Months of rehab and through this process Nugget was the happiest boy.

    Ill never forget that first night he slept in our bed with us after a hearty meal, he slept for two days and smiled with his awesome grin everyday. Nugget was with us for 18 years.

  • Gigi, Volunteer

    Volunteer/Assistant to Robyn

    Astoria Sanctuary

    Gigi, our cherished volunteer, embodies the spirit of selflessness and camaraderie. Whenever Robyn needs a helping hand, Gigi steps up without hesitation.

    Her unwavering commitment to our cause is a beacon of support for the entire Chihuahua Nation community.

    Whether it’s organizing events, assisting with logistics, or simply brightening our days with her infectious positivity, Gigi is the heart and soul of our team. We’re immensely grateful for her dedication and the warmth she brings to our mission. 🙌🐾

  • Emily Engdahl

    Web/Social Media & Foster

    Olney Walluski Sanctuary

    I can’t remember any significant time in my life without dogs by my side.

    Over the years I’ve been called a dog whisperer, but I think it’s more about acknowledging the autonomy and individuality of each animal, and a fundamental respect for their space and needs.

    I’ve rescued dogs from unspeakable situations - tied to trees for so long the chain is embedded in their neck… abandoned for days in an apartment all alone... dumped on the side of a rural road and left to fend for themselves. Each time, these regal animals rise above the abuse, and respond with more love and devotion than we really deserve. Dogs are the best people.

Welcome to Chihuahua Nation

a Paw-sitive Place!

Take a walk with us on the quirkier side of canine care! Here, we don’t just rescue dogs; we bring the superhero spirit to those furry little warriors who are medically fragile and utterly fabulous. Our team? Think of them as the Avengers for pups in need!

We don’t just throw around the word ‘home’ – we create a full-on rescue and adoption kingdom! With our dedicated sponsors, foster families, and loving adopters, we whip up a magical arena where every wagging tail deserves a standing ovation. After all, every furry friend has a story that needs to be told, so let your voice shine through as you join us on this adventure!